I've done it, put a nice little order together for EuroCarParts and played a clever trick by accident. Left all the items in the basket, had to check something on the car first, then got a 25% discount code via email.
Now while double checking the order, i had several wheel bearings to choose from so yet another check the car and then got a discount code for 30%.
Now i decided that i wasn't that lucky, and put the order in. So i've done a thermostat and housing with the usual gasket, the pair of rear wheel bearings which i'm hoping is the hum, and a new battery as i have already got fed up of turning the key and having to goto the boot to add abit more electricity. Those jump packs are very useful, but after using it a couple of times everyday, the game soon wears thin.
So the parts are ordered and sitting in the kitchen till the weekend, hope for a little bit of a dry spell, but at the very least i want the battery on and maybe the thermostat.
All being well with the assistance of a friend and maybe the odd you tube video, the next few weekends should be fun and also rewarding.
Managed to take the car out at the weekend with the roof down, which for a January day isn't too bad at all. Firstly it was a nice drive, and the first for my oldest son who has recently had a birthday and couldn't wait too try out some roof down driving. Was impressed how a 1998 car can still give you a smile when driving, the straight six motor is sweet and the autobox does make it a little lazy in its driving, although i haven't used the gearbox in anything other than eco mode, as i'm sure the fuel is going out around the 25mpg mark. Possibly not helped with the engine working harder cause of the thermostat.
Transformed the rear end after replacing the tyres, so the previous owner really should hang his head in shame.
The parts for the latest purchases are £142 so with the tyres added i am only just over the £200 which when you consider that the car was only £750 with tax till May2014 it really is proof that you can buy a cheap fun car and it not cost the earth.
Still praying for sun, but spanner work to do first. All mechanic assistance is welcomed, and free tea, coffee and cakes available.
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